Why I started EGA Wellness with my Ayurvedic Doctor?

how ayurveda changed my life and i started EGA Wellness

Ega Wellness was born out of my own experience of transformation of my health. I went from a life of sickness and lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes being managed by modern medicine to a disease free life through the use of food as medicine. These are some of the Ayurvedic Superfoods that I want to bring to your life also.

I used to have very frequent migraines. I grew up with a sensitive throat and had regular ENT problems during my teenage years. My throat used to choke and hurt almost every second month, I would frequently get cold and cough and every doctor that I visited gave me antibiotics. I got my tonsils operated at the age of 25, however that did not solve my problem as I would still keep falling sick, in fact it became more chronic and I was continuously prescribed anti-allergy medicines and antibiotics. I was trying to follow a very healthy lifestyle, I was exercising regularly, eating “healthy” like brown bread, egg whites, Diet Coke, low fat oils, packaged juices etc. By the age of 35 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, my levels were always at 150/100, my sleep quality kept deteriorating and energy levels were low.

I started having a lot of headaches which doctors called as migraine, initially what used to be once a month, became once a week and then almost every second day. I could not attend to any work or social appointment on most days as by the evening, I could not even keep my eyes open. I was popping a pain killer every morning as soon as I woke up.

One day my brother forced me to an ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Ratheesh from Kerala, India in 2011. He checked my pulse and told me that my body needed a detoxification. He said the food is not being digested well and nourishment is not reaching cellular level as cells are coated with toxins.

He helped me to detox for 30 days by giving me herbal supplements like Turmeric, Gudduchi, Ashwagandha and a laxative which was Triphala. Those 30 days have completely changed my life.

I have never popped any pill in the last 10 years, I haven’t had a migraine attack for a single day or fallen sick. My blood pressure is always below 120/80. I sleep like a baby the minute I put my head on the bed. I feel refreshed and energetic every morning when I wake up. I have lost about 15 kg weight and have maintained it for last 10 years.

I treat food as medicine and the basic rules that the doctor gave me which I follow for diet are as follows:

  • 1. First rule and most important is to eat freshly cooked meal only, no packaged foods of any kind.
  • 2. Don’t mix cooked and uncooked foods.
  • 3. No tea or coffee on empty stomach before meals, with meals and not till 2 hours after meals.
  • 4. Digestion works with the sun, it’s gets very weak in the evening, have only soup or easy to digest foods, Strictly no Wheat, Rice or Meat for dinner.
  • 5. Eat at regular time everyday, light breakfast before 9 AM, lunch between 12-1 PM, dinner by 6 PM. Wake up before sunrise and sleep by 10 PM.
  • 6. Don’t drink water for 1.5 hrs. after meals, after that keep sipping warm water every 15 min between meals.
  • 7. Fast regularly once a week to detox and to give rest to the digestive system best is water fast with Ashwagandha tea in the morning and before bed and Triphala 1 hour before sleep.
  • 8. Eat one meal of fresh seasonal fruits a day, either breakfast or dinner. Mono fruit only, don't mix fruits.

My objective at EGA Wellness is to bring this awareness to more and more people. We do not need to take any symptomatic relief in form of over the counter medication as that is just suppressing the symptoms. The objective is to listen to our body and cure the cause of the symptom and eliminate the root cause.

Ayurveda talks of a natural balance of the five elements of our body, if we are able to maintain the balance and maintain good digestive fire and eliminate the waste from the body regularly, we can lead a disease free life.